Vendor Registration

AnimeCon is the perfect occasion to reach a large, niche audience. If you want to sell items, promote your latest product or host an event, AnimeCon is the place to turn your weekend into a success.  Whether you’d like to sell, promote your latest news or host an event, AnimeCon is the place to make your weekend a success.

Our Dealer registration period lasts until March 31 2025.
Our Artist registration period for AnimeCon 2025 has ended and Artist registration is no longer possible.

If you are interested in exhibiting at AnimeCon, be it as Dealer, Artist or Catering, check out our Vendor Registration Site for more information. Here you can also subscribe to our vendor mailing list or make a reservation.

The published rules and regulations apply to AnimeCon 2025. Different rules will apply depending on what type of vendor you are.

First time Vendor?

For all first time dealers, we will want to know who you are, what you plan to sell and make sure there are no bootlegs among your wares so a company website or webshop is compulsory.

We will also help you to make sure your wares are legal and we do our best to listen to all your suggestions and feedback. We may be an all-volunteer organization, but we do try our best and we care about our convention.

Do you have questions about registering as a vendor?

Still have questions? We're happy to answer them, please ask through the contact form and we’ll get back to you as soon as possible.